Popular mobile esport Free Fire, created by developer Garena, just revealed their roadmap for events this year. The extremely popular Free Fire World Series or FFWS will return with two separate seasons – one in April, the second in November. In 2020, the FFWS had been temporarily replaced with the Free Fire Continental Series due to Covid, but in 2021, the event will go back to the previous FFWS setup – with some small changes!
In addition to that familiar event, there will also be something new – the Free Fire All Stars event. There have previously been All-Star events of course, such as the All Stars Asia event that happened in 2020. Asia is a fairly strong region for the game – in fact, in 2020, India set a new record, with over one million concurrent viewers on the Hindi stream of the Asian series.
This year, this event will feature top influencers playing against professional players. It’ll take place in July, and while no exact attendants and co have been announced so far, Garena have promised that they’ll invite the top talent of the Free Fire scene to the All Stars event!
The new (old) FFWS
This year’s two FFWS iterations will each have a prize pool of $2 million. Teams from 13 regions will compete for a spot in the finals, and a share of the money. The play-ins will start on April 24th, with May 1st being the start of the Grand Finals. Further details haven’t yet been revealed on the event. Over the next few weeks and months, details of the competition will be revealed, including the exact format and the details of the regions that will be competing.
As a little goodie, Garena released a new logo for the event – not only will the tournament itself feature the banner, but the competition trophy will also be redesigned in order to reflect the new design. While only a cosmetic change, we have to say that it is a pretty good logo – definitely suitable for a game that was selected as esports mobile game of the year last year! It was also the most downloaded global mobile game in both the iOS and Google Play store – for the second consecutive year.
No particular details have been revealed on the November iteration of the FFWS – news aren’t expected until at least mid-Summer. One thing is for sure – both events are likely to be a big deal (and partly focused on) the Latin America region, where Free Fire is an incredibly popular game. A lot of extremely talented players from the LatAm region are expected to participate in the events – and they definitely won’t make things easy for the other regions!
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